Sunday, October 28, 2012

International Day!

International Day turned out to be a success! We had year 8's first and they proved to be..uh....very active. We began all our classes with a presentation containing the most basic facts about Namibia then we proceeded to play "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" based on the presentation which was very straight forward. After the questionnaire ,the students were given 'vet koek' of the staple foods found in Namibia as well as other Southern African countries. After this the children gave us feedback on the entire lesson and most of them were pretty positive! :D Even though we had to put in a lot of extra time into the decorations,I think it all went pretty well. Not to mention the fact that I learned to have A LOT of patience but perhaps next time it would be better to time and practice the presentation before hand because at time were very quick and then the class was left with nothing to do and we had to improvise :O
A few samples of the feedback

The 'vet koek'

The Namibian flag in all it's Glory

The African flag


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lights! Camera! ACTION!

For our CAS assignment,we have to produce a SILENT 3 minute film in groups of 3. Ours is going to be extremely juicy...if all goes well. We haven't started filming yet but if things go as planned,we should be finished by tomorrow. We have all our props,our 'scripts' and I THINK we have a cameraman :P All I can say for now is that our short film will contain a little bit of violence but hey,it's all in the name of entertainment :)

Can you see a pattern forming here?

KNITTING CLUB! The latest patch added to my  CAS activities. Every Friday,there'll be a knitting club at lunch time. The first one was last Friday and unfortunately,I couldn't take any pictures...I was too busy trying to tangle all the wool up :P Soon we'll knit scarfs (decent-looking scarfs,I hope) and sell them to charity. Let's hope they won't knit any frowns on anyone. :D

Namibia: Land of the Brave

This is the Namibian Coat of Arms
International day is coming up soon and this year,as year 12's,we get to help out :D We've all been divided into our native countries (each country has a class or 2) where we'll be presenting interesting facts about our country . So far,we've made a presentation,decided on exactly what we're going to do and what we're going to feed the hungry munckins that enter our class :P  Now all we have to do is wait.

Progress at last!

Our dance club may be small in number,but it's definitely full of potential. One of the 2 members (ha.ha) showed great improvement today. Honestly speaking,we didn't expect things to go so fast- today so we finished up early. We're finally finished with our first complete dance routine! Next,I plan on fishing for more dancers. Come hell or high water, on Monday, I will be scouting the school corridors for more dancers so us 4 don't get lonely.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Possible Journalist in the making!

So I have decided to join the school newspaper! What I'm going to do is a secret though :D I am supposed to hand in a sample of my work but I've been too busy to actually finish it. So more to come if I get the part :D

Is Hockey the sport for me?

So I recently joined the Monday after school club where we would do various sport activities but right now,it seems like we're concentrating more on hockey. But I'm being open-minded over here and allowing myself to 'enjoy' the game. I'll admit,it's a bit of a rough game and some of the players become a tad bit aggressive but that's nothing I can't handle. Honestly speaking,I didn't like the game very much before but that's probably because I only played it once or twice. Now that I've played it for 2 weeks in a row (much to my muscles protests) I'm actually enjoying it and I think it's safe to say that I've improved in a few of my skills like scoring :D :D. What I'm trying to focus on right now is my goal keeping. I plan on being able to block our star player's goals by this Christmas. Wish me luck! :)
This is us practicing our scoring skills after a few games